Camera RAW Plugin
Camera RAW Plugin? • The Camera RAW Plugin included in Photoshop / and shares code with Lightroom allows you to edit / modify / fix photos while still in their raw data form. • • You have greater control on details, White Balance, exposure etc than a standard jpeg image. • • You can still modify Jpegs in Camera RAW with slight value adjustments (e.g. WB values -100 to 100 rather than Kelvin temp) Why RAW • Jpegs have lossy compression, the camera does the processing of WB, Sharpness, Noise reduction etc. • • RAW uses no or lossless compression. • Less likely to lose details to artifacts . • Gives you more control over the above settings in post. • Plenty more colour information. • • But it does take up more room, takes time to edit, loses any in-camera colour modifications (colour profiles). Some RAW file types • Nikon = .NEF • Canon = .CR2 • Adobe = .DNG • Sony = .ARW • Pentax = .PEF Opening RAW files • Provided Photoshop is set as