Colour Notes

Additive Colour

Is where colour is created mixing different colour light sources together

The absence of light is black

All three lights combined is white

R = red
G = green
B = blue

Subtractive colours

Different mixtures and intensity of the three lights together mix all other colours

Is where colour is created mixing different pigment sources together

The absence of pigment is white

All three pigment colours combined equally is black

C = Cyan
Y = Yellow
M = Magenta

K = Key (black)

Different mixtures and intensity of the three pigments together mix all other colours

Colour Wheel



Split Complimentary    


Warm and Cool tone


Hue: its colour pigmentation
Value/Luminance: measure of the amount of light reflected from the hue
Chroma: how pure a hue is in relation to grey
Saturation: purity of hue
Intensity: lightness or dullness of hue
Shade: A hue produced by adding black


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