Art Theory course out line - BVA 213
This class can be linked with BVA203 - Pinup girls
In this paper we will be focusing on research questioning, in particular locating our questioning within critical and theoretical discussion informing art making and viewing. In this we will endeavour to develop a critical practice involving practice and theory.
The assessment tasks of this paper include:
Proposal 10% DUE Monday 13th May
Project 65% DUE Monday 5pm 21st October
Documentation 25% DUE Monday 5pm 11th November
(Dates, time, place to be confirmed)
This class can be linked with BVA203 - Pinup girls
In this paper we will be focusing on research questioning, in particular locating our questioning within critical and theoretical discussion informing art making and viewing. In this we will endeavour to develop a critical practice involving practice and theory.
The assessment tasks of this paper include:
Proposal 10% DUE Monday 13th May
Project 65% DUE Monday 5pm 21st October
Documentation 25% DUE Monday 5pm 11th November
(Dates, time, place to be confirmed)
Research practice questioning
Practitioner and critic research
Reading and workshop schedule
Practice/theory relationship
Theoretical discussion
Practice Based Research
Critical Reading
Proposal 10%
Project 65%
Documentation 25%
Coursework Tasks
Art Critic Research Presentation
Theorist/critic politics art making/viewing
Reading and Workshop
Library Tasks
Contemporary Practitioner, locate practice
Theoretical Contexts, current debates
Critiques (3)
Assessment 1 Proposal Presentation 10%
Develop and present a proposal for a research project that explores a specific question within your practice. Within this identify at least one aspect or issue regarding art viewing and/or art making in a contemporary context that is significant in your questioning.
Identify key theorists and critics, and discuss specific ideas and their contexts (cultural, social, historical, political for instance) that are relevant to your questioning. Build a body of useful resources and analysis and evaluate this material to inform your questioning.
Plan developmental studio work to explore and progress your questioning in conjunction with theoretical research, and identify specific documentation approaches to record these developments, such as active documentation, and reflective practice.
Proposal discussion includes
Specific research question.
Identify at least two relevant theorists/critics and briefly discuss the specific ideas including their contexts (cultural, social, historical, political for instance) that inform your questioning.
Identify one aspect or issue regarding art viewing and/or art making in a contemporary context that is significant in your questioning. Locate at least two theoretical texts and two examples of practice to support this focus, and briefly overview their relevance.
Demonstrate questioning in studio practice. Include a set of studio drawings and practical tests (at least 3 of each) Discuss how your approach to blogging progresses your questioning, and works across practice and theory.
Prepare a time plan of general tasks of theoretical and practice research to progress questioning.
Power point presentation, 10 mins, APA referenced
13th May 2018
Proposal discussion includes:
State specific research question within your practice.
Identify at least two relevant theorists/critics and briefly discuss the specific ideas including their contexts (cultural, social, historical, political for instance) that inform your questioning. Within this discussion draw upon at least six useful resources and analysis and evaluate how this material informs your questioning.
Identify at least one aspect or issue regarding art viewing and/or art making in a contemporary context that is significant in your questioning. Locate at least two theoretical texts and two examples of practice to support this focus, and briefly overview their relevance.
Demonstrate questioning in studio practice. Include a set of studio drawings and practical tests (at least 3 of each)
Discuss how your approach to journaling progresses your questioning, employs active documentation and reflective practice, and works across practice and theory.
Prepare an overview of your projects time plan. Indicate key tasks (theoretical and practice) to progress questioning. /80
Structure and Delivery
Power point presentation
10 mins
APA referenced
Considered organisation of content aids discussion points.
Includes introduction, body and conclusion.
Well prepared and timed.
Slides effectively laid out and utilise visuals to aid clarity of presentation.
Assessment 2 Project 65%
Assessment 3 Documentation 25%
Research question clearly identified. Key theoretical components of questioning articulated and researched, and developed in practice, resolving identified issue/s of art making and viewing. Key cultural, geographical and social contexts addressed. Research supported through engagement with key theorists/critics/practitioners.
The above aspects will be evident in a developed and critically engaged body of exploratory work, involving practice and blogging, active documentation and substantial theoretical and practitioner research. Body of work demonstrates understanding of critical issues within art making and viewing in a contemporary context. One key example of the projects body of work is to be presented/exhibited in an appropriate manner for the projects questioning.
Blog submission should include evidence of all course work tasks and development material for body of work/theoretical questioning. BlogAPA referenced.
Project, Body of Work including Key example presented/exhibited
Documentation, Blog
Body of work and key example of practice provides evidence of;
Research questioning clearly articulated, researched and developed and responded to theoretically and in practice.
Key theoretical components of questioning supported and responded to in practice.
Theoretical and practice resolve of identified issue/s of art making and viewing. Key cultural, geographical and social contexts addressed.
Developed and critically engaged body of exploratory work supported by practice led methodologies and theoretical, critic and practitioner research.
Body of work including key example of practice presented in an appropriate manner.
Body of work demonstrates critical engagement and resolve of project questioning.
Blog submission includes evidence of all course work tasks.
Documented evidence of productive and
developmental practice.
Resolve of specific issues of art making and viewing, supported by key theorists/critics/practitioners. Includes research on key cultural, geographical and social contexts.
Blog includes active documentation, practice led methodologies and theoretical and practitioner research.
Journal material APA referenced.
Class work:
Art Critic/Theorist Research Presentation
• Power point Presentation 10 minutes
• Outline own practice research questioning.
• Identify and analyse a specific art critic discussion about an issue of interest in art making or viewing, relevant to own practice research questioning.
• Overview key aspects within discussion which inform questioning, paying particular attention to clearly articulate issues of interest within own practice research questioning.
• Briefly discuss any intended practical approach or specific methods and discuss relationships approach/methods to issue of interest in art making or viewing.
• Provide bibliographic details of sources.
Theorist/critic politics art making/viewing
Library Task
Identify one question re art viewing and one re art making relevant to own practice questioning.
Research in the SIT Library and locate research material to inform these questions (at least 3 sources for each question). Skim material and make a mind map/diagram overviewing key content for each question.
Theorist and critic suggestions: Claire Bishop, Amelia Jones, Carol Becker, David Joselit, Helen Molesworth, Rosalind Krauss, Hal Foster, Irit Rogoff, Nicholas Mirzoeff, Rosalind Krauss, David Campany, Shannon Jackson, Bridie Lonie, Su Ballard
Reading and Workshop Task
Review relevant literature, and identify two key theoretical/practice texts that support and inform an aspect of critical interest in your research practice questioning in one of the areas listed below, or as discussed with Tutor.
Texts may vary in complexity and scale, but should be useful for your project and form the basis of a short workshop presentation/activity to share with the class in Term Three.
Inform own research practice questioning through considering critical area/s of interest in art making or viewing in:
Socially engaged practice
Institutional Critique
Relational Practice
Installation practice
As selected in consultation with Tutor
Record bibliographic details.
Provide a copy of texts for class resource, and prepare and deliver workshop activity as per class schedule.
Contemporary Practitioner, Locate Practice
See Visual Arts Library Handout to support search
- Theory 2 question focus is…
- One specific aspect within Theory 2 Question focus requiring attention is …
- What I need to find out more about this (and why)…
- Record contemporary practices/works/associated writing that could help inform this aspect of questioning (list what/why) Include at least one practice NZ context.
Theoretical Contexts, current debates
Identify a current debate in contemporary art relevant to your projects questioning. Research and analyse at least 3 sources to inform understanding of this debate and situate within its theoretical and political contexts. Analyse own questioning in regards this understanding.
Overview findings in a power point presentation (10mins)
APA referenced
Semester One & Two
Critique One
Bring a set of exploratory drawings and initial practice testing. Show how blogging is underway and discuss approach to documentation. - next week
Critique Two
Bring blog and two examples of practice which explores key questioning. Discuss how these example of practice explore questioning and how this is being informed/supported. Discuss practical and theoretical next steps.
Critique Three
Bring draft of final submission accompany with draft statement situating questioning and evaluating example/journal against assessment criteria.
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