Drawing - week 12 - 15/05/2019

Perspective drawing

what is perspective drawing? and how is it applied?
Perspective drawing is drawing a background or image at a certain angle to create a more interactive and realistic scene. This can be done with character drawings as well as landscape drawings. It makes the drawings have more structure and more realistic and visually understanding image. 
Perspective drawings are applied by using vanishing points. Which are a points where all lines connect. Different vanishing points are used for different affects and are applied in different ways for said affect. 

This you tube channel: Circle line art school - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVQxmyIOutGT4lmWlDN9pmA

Is a very helpful and informative channel that shows how to use each type of vanishing point and how it is applied. 

Types of Perspectives
- One-point perspective — simplest to draw
- Two-point perspective — gives better impression of depth
- Three-point perspective — most difficult to draw

Applied in class:

I'm not really, good at perspective drawing. I think this is alot to do with the fact my eyes can't concentrate on to many lines. It's also quite hard to figure out where to put things to make sure they are in the correct spot.
So this is why I have chosen some cafe's as references to make sure I am getting angles right and the same with shadow and lighting. As I wanted to apply this to my own current work and since my comic is about a girl who works in a cafe I thought it would be suitable to do some cafe studies to make my mind up on how I want the cafe to look to expand my comic and make it less head shots and more involved with the background. As I do realize my comic is very heavily head shot based which I didn't intend on doing but because I was quite unsure of how I wanted to go and I didn't have an idea on how the background was going to look, or the setting it was the easiest way to go around not having a clue of what the set looked like. Though now that I have done perspective drawing and have a larger idea of how it works and how to apply is because of the video we watched in class and also looking into the youtube channel. I can see myself now expanding the comic with more background and establishing shots, now I feel a bit more confident with my perspective drawings even though I know it can be done better and I can do better. Also knowing that I can redesign my comic layout and the panels and expand my ideas. 


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