Photography - week 11+12 - 15/05/2019

Lighting Diagrams

how the book is looking and what now?

As of now I think the book looks alright, its very fashion magazine like and nothing to special. It's to clean and perfect looking. Which was what I was going for and it a good start, it creates a good base for the surrealism. I'm not sure how I want to make it look surrealist, I do really like the works of Bobby Becker and his dripping black, I would like to experiment with that and see the contrast of that and the white cleanness of the photos.
The lay out of the book is great. It's exactly how I wanted it to look and works quote well giving it a nice structure and cohesive look through out the pages. Though because it is the same through out the book I am worried that it will come off boring and dragging on, and this is where I hope the surrealism will come in handy and make the book less practicable and boring and make it different and stand out. There is one thing that I am stumped on and that the cover page. I am not sure what I want to do with the cover page and how to lay it out. I want to go with a simple name for the book as well. so I think Good morning will be a good name as well as it is a pun about my last name.


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