Research - week 14 - 28/05/2019

Project final update

I finished the painting and brought a frame, and make sure it already had D-rings or some sort of hooks on it. I decided to go with a wood grain frame instead of a simple black frame just because I thought it would look nicer to have a lighter frame to make the black ink pop a bit better. 
I did have to trim my painting down because the size of the frame is 70x50 which is roughly the same size as my painting, though it did over lap so I had to trim it down to fit into the indents of the frame.  So once that was done I could put it into the frame though I did have to sacrifice some of the legs to fit it into the frame. Which I was fine with because I'm not the biggest fan of the way I did the legs and I rather have all my head and hair in frame than my legs.

Once it was in the frame I had to commit to all the mistake I had make and had to admit that this was the painting I was going to hand in, this was because I am not that happy with my painting. This is because I am very unsatisfied with the painting, though I learnt a lot while painting it, I am unsatisfied with the end result and know I can do better and want to do better.
There were a lot of flaws through making this painting but I decided to keep them because it is apart of the painting its apart of my study and how I came to the final result. Also not every painting is perfect there are always mistakes and I wanted to embrace that not every painting is perfect and not everything can be perfect.

I also think it was part of my study to learn more about ink and how to paint with ink, and to avoid these mistakes because how could I know how to avoid them if I haven't make the mistake before or enough times to figure away to avoid it. This is why I am leaving the mistakes there for marking, to show that I am still learning and some things I still haven't figured out how to stop them.

I also very much hate this hand, I had sketched it out correctly or close as I could get to right but once I started to ink the hand I stuffed it up and made it to skinny. I also have a lot of trouble drawing hands, which was a reason on why I drew this hand in the first day was to challenge myself and because it is a key concept of the painting. 


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