Art History - S2 week 3 - 22/07/2019

Effects of culture appropriation

what is appropriation?
 culture appropriation is taking another cutler's significant context or spirituality, changing it and altering it to one's own cutler and not caring about the cutler background of such thing. Also not saying where it is from and taking into consideration of history or laws behind the said cutler.

A lot of things that have been appropriate is due to racism intended or not.

Things that belong to curtain cutlers have been appropriated due to racism was back when people were fighting for there lives and their rights as humans. the argument about fashion and large fashion labels appropriating cutler on the runway and using significant clothing items from a cutler as a fashion accessory without taking consideration of the origins of the item.

Australian indigenous appropriation,

" up to 85% of art sold through tourism markets as First Nations souvenirs is fake and imported. Lost revenue from this major income stream has a harmful effect on everything from self-determination and cultural maintenance to families and communities."

"In introducing a bill making it illegal to sell fake Indigenous art, Katter has re-ignited attention to artistic appropriation and rip-offs. But the stereotyping, disrespect and blatant theft of First Nations culture happen in many fields."

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" Indigenous art is often "steeped in ancient cultural traditions." 10 Indeed, some of the most revered Indigenous art focuses on the "Dreamtime," the period when, according to Indigenous tradition, "Ancestral Beings" created the earth"

 "As a concept, these paintings originate from the belief that the Wandjina ("the creator ancestors of a number of the Aboriginal Peoples of the Kimberley region") used self-portraits on cave walls and rock formations to mark the locations of their deaths.13 Modern iterations of these works are created during sacred rituals, and are intended "to ensure the continuity of the Wandjina's presence and . . . the arrival of the monsoon rains.""

" sacred Indigenous images have been used without authorization on surfboards, currency, and carpets. Uses such as these are offensive to the Indigenous community and should be universally alarming, given the historically persecuted status of Indigenous Peoples. However, due to key incompatibilities between Indigenous artistic traditions and the Eurocentric laws to which they are subject, it is not always clear from a legal perspective how these kinds of offenses can be prevented."
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Why is this a problem though? is it because of the disrespect? or the meaning devaluing?
If everyone thinks culture appropriation is bad then why do people do it?

As in the Australia 60minutes where they uncover appropriation with indigenous art, it seems to be that money is a lot to do with it being money hungry and keeping up to demand with tourism and fast production. Which unlike indigenous it is not a fast passing project and can't be multi produced to keep up with high demanding tourism and is made traditionally without machinery and is done by the indigenous people. Though as seen in the 60minutes episode, they exposed companies in Australia for buying and selling produced done in Indonesia that is done in a multi producing and fast making way that can keep up with tourism and the demand for souvenirs. It is done in a non-traditional way and with non-traditional mediums, so it can be produced faster and easier, it is also done in a way that it is hard to see the difference and pick out if it is in fact done by an indigenous artist. As the people who are buying them are giving them to others to touch up and remove the made in Indonesia sticker it replaces with a made in Australia sticker.  Which are a false advertisement and is illegal to do in Australia.

What overall effect does this have on the community of Australia and the Indigenous people, not only is it putting the indigenous artist out of business it is also disrespecting the culture and people. It is also falsely selling people items that they think are original and giving people the wrong information about the culture. Giving people uneducated people about the culture false representatives of that culture to then show off and give other people false information. It will throw the indigenous people out of business and also will create an effect of there traditions being exploited by business and slow down their traditions dying out their traditions because they can not keep with the false fast producing market. 


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