Research - S2 week 7 - 20/08/2019


Team break down 

Everything that needs to be done as a checklist:
- Name + Logo
- Date and time
- Venue
- Poster + voting slips
- meetings time + how they going to be done
- Q&A
- Video questions
- Marketing Facebook + Instagram
- Researching about the candidates + Who is running
- Email Candidates, to invite them and id they can come + do they have an introduction to who they are?
- Invite for teachers and classes
- Putting up posters
- Interviewing students

SIT DOWN FOR Q&A Mayoral Candidates

Second Tuesday of August - 13th August 2019 @ upstage Down town campus



We had organised for there to be questions and interviews with students that couldn't make it to the Q&A session by recording them and having out research team go to main campus and down town campus and interview students. Though this did no go to plan and did not go through because of one of the students being sick. This let down the whole research team as he was the only one who was editing and there should have been a back up plan for if it did not go through or if he couldn't edit them, Which we now know for future use. Though this wasn't a complete waste of time as it did allow us to sit get the information of what the students wanted to ask we just couldn't show the video that corresponded to the question, so we did get something out of it.

This was a great way to learn how to to use all the social media and get use to it before Think and Create. It was a great way to learn and understand how to market and keep a schedule with marketing. We did create a Face book and Instagram which had a posting schedule and worked side by side with the research team, though when the research team went down with their videos it did let down the marketing team which now I am aware of now and now know to keep than in mind for the future for Think and Create.
Marketing also dealt the posters out for the design team.

 Researching about the candidates + Who is running 
Part of the research and candidates coordination team was to research and find out who was running and what they were standing for, while also seeing if it was relating to SIT. It was good to have the teams work together as it spread out the task and did not cram onto one person and it also meant that everyone would be finding different information. This also got forwarded to marketing so it could be put up onto the facebook and Instagram as marketing for the event.

PowerPoint for event

The venue for the event was upstage at the downtown campus making the availability for students easier. When the venue was picked it was part of the venue team to make a setting arrangement and set up the venue for the event. Though there was a huge communication fault with this team and teamwork was very little. I am very disappointed in how the team worked together and how they went around things, and I would defiantly take this as a learning experience to avoid it happening again. There was a lot of miscommunication within the team and out of the team, they weren't communicating with each other or to others outside of the team. There was also the 'it wasn't my responsibility' being thrown around which was not acceptable and will be avoiding with think and create.

Candidates coordination 
This team had to be one of the most well-organized team and worked very well together even when others were absent. They did well to organize and research about the candidates and be professional about email thew candidates. Their communication was constantly flowing and they were always asking questions and communicating with everyone so they knew what was going on and what needed to be done. They wrote emails and communicated with the candidates while also communicating with us to make sure everyone was aware of what was going on in their team and so everyone knew what was happening which was fantastic.

Invite for teachers and classes
We also sent out an email to all the teachers that were running classes on campus to inform them about the Q&A session and also invited the head of department and facilities. This I feel was very important to do as it does help us practice for think and create and where we have to send out formal invites to the event.

We ran a meeting every week to update everyone on what was happening and what needed to be done. These meeting didn't start out too well as they were very messy and didn't have a lot of structure to them but I am happy that after a few meetings we finally got a good system and structure to the meetings which can be used again when we do think and create. These meetings were a great learning curve and helped a lot to understand how to run a better and more efficient meeting that we can get all the information we needed out of it. I do think that we do need a bit more structure and limits and rules when it comes to the meetings, as I find it that sometimes arguments happen and they get very heated and people can but heads. So that was something we could still work on and setting more rules when it comes to meetings to avoid arguments and head butting.

The Event
The event itself was pretty successful, it ran smoothly and along with the program but though there were no video questions and we did have to make do with that. We did a great effort to alter everything to make it work we had great teamwork on that day and everyone got along nicely. Making the event run smoothly and go great. Though there wasn't a lot of people attending thew Q&A I was still happy that people did show up and the event went smooth. Though it was disappointing that there was no time to do Q&A with the audience which I feel was an important part of the event. So I do feel as if there was something we could have done to make sure there was time for that. The overall event it well went great on the day and everyone showed great teamwork and worked well together to get everything done and have a great event.

Afterthoughts of the event
We did run a last meeting after the event to talk about the pros and cons and what we learned through the event. What we would change or work better next time and what worked well and didn't work well.

The meeting didn't go as nicely as I would have liked it too. As I am to blame for the arguing that did happen during the meeting. It was very unprofessional of me to let my personal opinion get in the way of a professional matter.

Thought this meeting was good for learning and listening to everyone on what they had to say they were good at and what they would improve on for think and create.

Notes I took from the meeting

Overall thoughts
Overall I think that the event went well and everyone worked nicely together, but I do think structure needs to be worked on more and having better organization and delegation roles. There also needs to be improved with communication, keeping it flowing and consistent and making sure groups communicate with each other. I also think there needs to be more structure when it comes to meeting so they can be more effective and efficient for everyone. I also think it is important for everyone to be aware of roles and how everything is a shared responsibility and should not be dropped onto one person and the importance of delegation and having a backup plan if for someone is sick or it doesn't workout.   


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