Research - 16/09/2019
16 September 2019
Trophies made by chris, and sizes is changeable
3 entry form designs.
Colour scheme design has changed again.
2 different certificate
4 label designs
3 entry forms. - pink and blue no go, Middle
Simpleness of Fabri
Farbis eye-catching, dynamic and colour scheme.
Blue and pink too busy, colours aren't relevant to SIT.
Organs bubbles colour, is liked a lot throughout the group.
Majority agree Farbi design is the main one to go, as the colour scheme is nice, everything is cohesive with the other designs, eye catching, colours are relevant to SIT.
Have PJ poster with Fabri colour scheme - to busy and in your face..
Sent tomorrow to Bex.
Entry forms:
Fabris entry forms with bubbles, as its cohesive with everything else. Majority vote was the bubble poster.
Moved by Jaquie second by Oisin.
Change font colour to the black so it is uniform and can be read easier.
Farbi design is final, moved by Jacquie second Oisin
Change fonts so they look all the same
Send to BEX tomorrow
Fabri designs is the go - just need to make circles need more formal, try gradient effect that is on the labels.
Fabri Label is the go
Gaming had two options. Joystick is the go
Film is go.
Animation is questionable, as half of the class didn’t see if as an animation wheel and thought it was a film wheel.
People want to change it but don’t know what to change it to.
Majority vote no change, passed by Jaquie seconded by PJ.
Question brought to attention by Design team
Terms and condition?
Is there a selection for gaming criteria, as film and animation have one.
Asked Rachel for it but are waiting for a come back, so we are going to do that now. Keep it chosive with the film, so have a synopsis line, treat it the same as a film and animation. As it will make everything cohesive and simple when it comes to the application process.
Money where is the money going? Last year was in a plastic bag and no one wants to do that.
Envelopes? How do we know whos the pay, don't separate them and then put them together when hand in?
Get the envelope, as we want to give them with the entry forms. To avoid with small problems.
When given the entry form it will be given in an empty envelope with how much they need to pay and where to hand it in. Their name will be put on the Envelope.
Submission email, have the two emails as it will keep everything more organised and not cluttered and confused with.
Three frame shots for the gaming, rating and synopsis.
concluded : 10:39
Changing the rules around the dates and time submission.
Changing submission dated to works from 2019 to 2017 so people can hand in work that has been done in later years.
Increasing money, income and more flow.
If it hasn’t been shown on any other platform they can show it.,
If they are selected
Selection process is us and a tutor. More time to go through everything, it time consuming.
Not sure if using other years as, it is labeled as 2019. It is showcasing for things we have done for 2019.
If it is not in 2019, it should be stated in the artist statement.
Redoing a project to add in. Time to proffected or something.
If it is done in school than its ok, if you are studying for a SIT qualification you can subbited. Level 5, 6 7 and grad can submit.
People want to show things they have done at SIT 2017..
First year are protected by the emerging artist awards it is for the first year of SIT level 5/6.
Dated art work and the paper it was work tutor and confirmed with name of tutor.
What if the award is for 2019 only. So older work cannot get awards.
Tutor award for their older works, or a certificate.
Not eligible for a submission and can sell but not eligible for award.
Only projects made in 2019 are eligible for an award.
No awards for older works
Works from february 2017, paper, tutor and not awards.
Moved by Jaquie, seconds Caleb.
Jaquie will, update and change the terms and conditions.
Emerging artist 5 and 6. Leavers is 7
Excellence award is for 5 + 6
What are we going to do, going to Bex to confirm and discusses the award years and who is eligible.
Kathryn, Tracy have commented on how well the group is doing.
Getting traffic online with likes.
Working on videos of previous winners. Bob is editing them right now.
Asked people to sneak peak their works.
Keep to 3 years because they have to show their work and then once the applications are in go to people who have applied.
Haven’t got something from all the 3 years. They got more stuff than first years to show so they are getting the spot light first.
Poster will be sent to Bex and confirmed by her and should be sent to printry tomorrow.
Need profiles on judges to promote on social media.
Ash is here to help with center stage.
Video files have been put on Oisin.
How long does it take to set up and back dowh center stage - all on Ash, all you need is a device your playing everything off and and HDMI cable.
Volume all, needs to be the same.
Need to review before the date because after reviewing gives time to return and adjust before the think and create.
Ash has got everything under control, doesn’t take long to set up and doesn't need much help setting up. Osion will be staying with Ash to make sure everything is going ok on the night and controlling the movies.
Up to us if we are going to have cards for the film and animation. Will discuss next meeting.
Make sure MC know all the context that is being shown.
Audio balance, bouncing dialogue around negative 6. Music a little lower.
Projector, once its going its going. Do everything from Laptop. Make sure you have a screen saver.
Holding slide set as desktop, because if anything crashes you are safe.
4 poster in upstage will be holding 3rd year posters.
2 usher 15 minutes before the opening. Staffing next meeting.
Continued 11:21
Made a deinstalling date, have more than one option so everyone has two options.
8th november 4-6 and 11 monday 12-1
Need ushers, and also the Kai room is only be open till 7 so we only have it for four hours. Therefore we need to pack it down early or promote it will only be up for a certain amount of time or we find a new place to put them but where? And who will be keeping an eye on it if we move it?
Usher Caleb + Corey.
Don’t want outsiders to help because it will make less mess and less of a reliability.
Organised roster for collecting and setting up.
Pamphlet for artworks or just film. Artist statement.
Need to make a map pamphlet combo. One side if a map and other side is work who made and price.
Selling on art work $ = seling N/s = not selling. Next week we will talk more about pamphlet because it will be able to be cemented for next week.
Submission folder has been organised to be more easier to find things and cut up into categories.
3 judges, Josh kiwi games (game and animation), gerg (art) chiaroni, benji (film)
Give them a follow up email to give them more information and finalize information.
Bex wants them to be here a day before hand.
What time they need to be here on wednesday and thursday also the venue. Ask Bex on where they are going and judging probably upstage.
Haven’t done much because need the budget to know what we need to pay for.
Made a pateron teer list on what they can do to help.
They can advertise wherever they want.
Sponsorship speech, pamphlet, posters around the event, raffel taking photos outside there business, and having a prince named after them.
Need to have a budget meeting so can go through with the sponsorship.
If there is an internship pops up we should be open to looking into it, and people who are leavers will be automatically signed up to the internship win. This is if we find a sponsorship.
Do we want all judges to speak or just one? We don’t have any plans on the event and talk next week and talk about a program and get back to them.
Closed 11:20
Started a material list, next is where to get it from.
Draft up a budget.
Do you need a food sponsorship?
Royce Tron and Ryan Bosch retiring from think and create committee
Jaquie bree and Caleb moody are being signed onto the committee respectfully.
Jaquie and Caleb are going to be signed as bank signatory.
SIT logo and think and create Logo.
SIT logo needs to be on everything as it is a SIT run event and our assessment.
They want minutes so need to have a logo on everything. To prove we are being a formal and professionally run committee.
Make everything easier for next years.
24th 9th 10 is next meeting
Closed: 11:33
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