Art History - S2 week 3 - 22/07/2019
Effects of culture appropriation what is appropriation? culture appropriation is taking another cutler's significant context or spirituality, changing it and altering it to one's own cutler and not caring about the cutler background of such thing. Also not saying where it is from and taking into consideration of history or laws behind the said cutler. A lot of things that have been appropriate is due to racism intended or not. Things that belong to curtain cutlers have been appropriated due to racism was back when people were fighting for there lives and their rights as humans. the argument about fashion and large fashion labels appropriating cutler on the runway and using significant clothing items from a cutler as a fashion accessory without taking consideration of the origins of the item. Australian indigenous appropriation, " up to 85% of art sold through tourism markets as First Nations souvenirs is fake and imported. Lost revenue from this major income st