
Showing posts from July, 2019

Art History - S2 week 3 - 22/07/2019

Effects of culture appropriation what is appropriation?  culture appropriation is taking another cutler's significant context or spirituality, changing it and altering it to one's own cutler and not caring about the cutler background of such thing. Also not saying where it is from and taking into consideration of history or laws behind the said cutler. A lot of things that have been appropriate is due to racism intended or not. Things that belong to curtain cutlers have been appropriated due to racism was back when people were fighting for there lives and their rights as humans. the argument about fashion and large fashion labels appropriating cutler on the runway and using significant clothing items from a cutler as a fashion accessory without taking consideration of the origins of the item. Australian indigenous appropriation, " up to 85% of art sold through tourism markets as First Nations souvenirs is fake and imported. Lost revenue from this major income st

Research - S2 week 1 - 9/07/2019

your personality and your brain, Scott Schwefel / TEDxBrookings This video was interesting as it was a brief over look at personalities and becoming aware of your own personality and the others around you. the others other self It was interesting because of the fact is split the personalities into  four groups, two introverted and two extroverted. Passive and Aggressive and divided them into key traits that each personality had. This was interesting as their are 16 known personality types, and their are four personality sections that are sub divided into four personalities. This video was a more brief over view of them and show them in away of how you see yourself and how you see others, in a away that it can better yourself with relationships with others. The video was quite fast passed and very enthusiastic. Though I did enjoy how it was interactive, and how their was discussing in what we thought we where and then analyse how we looked to each other. It was also good that h

Research - Week 2 - 16/07/2019

Wix Web sight work, Study, interests, competencies, goals, experiences. Works, would have to pick the best and finest works that I have done and feel comfortable and confident showing them as works that will be presented when someone asks me what I do and what my style is. Study, Bachelor Visual arts graduated with Diploma in art design level 5, Level 3, 2 and 1 NCEA Interests, Art in design, ink portraits, neo-traditional art, photography and crafts Competencies, ??? Goals, to be a well known neo-traditional artist and to be a tattoo artist. Experiences,  Photography jobs for birthdays and events, organisation with projects and events such as art exhibitions and Soriee’s. What to I want to show when people come to my website I want people to see the best side of my art and what I am good at and excel in What do I excel in? I am good at neo-traditional ink art. Though is that impressive is any of my work impressive or good? Do I feel confident saying that my art work i

art theory - S2 week 3 - 22/07/2019

Issues in art Touria El Glaoui Founding director of 1:54 Contemporary African art fair   Touria El Glaoui. Photograph: Max Lakne/BFA/Rex/Shutterstock It’s a question of security in your career: how to be true to yourself while surviving in a commercial market . There is pressure on artists to be activists, with a message to society, to think about how their work will influence certain political changes. So for them the question is: how can my work transmit some sort of social, political message? How will I fit into the future? In Africa, the market is still finding its ground, so the future has a bigger space and that affects the way artists think about their work. When I hear artists discussing their practice in Africa or as part of a diaspora, a lot of what they’re talking about is how to become part of a gallery or a particular show. My thoughts I think that it is very curricula to think about, being true to yourself as an artist while also serving in a commercial m

Art Theory - S2 week 2 - 15/07/2019

Diser to shown whom you are on side vs out How I am in person vs drawing Persona? the real you? vs society suppressed you? Why pin up? WWII men went away, so their fore women went out and job jobs in men dominated and women liked it. Independence? Fashion between WWII great depression vs 1940 vs 1950, vs 1960 fashion sway on political Fashion related to soical political status. How you dress is reaction to social. Everything is a circle constant feeling of no one understand or is listening? Ot the fact I have a lack of ways with my own words, as I struggle to say what I want to and what is going in my head to other people which leads them to get confused or the wrong Idea. I wants to learn how to expand and experiment my works and find more artist that have done what I have done and learnt and developed from it. Though that is very hard because I am doing something a lot of artist are not doing or isn't talked about a lot. I am looking into things that have only just

Art History - S2 week 2 - 15/07/2019

contemporary pacific island artist Finding an artist that was relevant to my own work was quite hard and difficult as, I wasn't sure what my own style was besides the fact I only work in ink and doing drawings. I also wasn't sure if they even did ink painting in the pacific islands. Though I did find a few artist who I liked and thought where relevant in their own different ways. I loved lalovia Peseta's works They are beautiful portraits of women with a monochromatic colour scheme Kiss (2015) Lalovia Peseta   "I always loved doing art but life kind of got in the way as usual. I only got back into my art in a serious way about a year ago. I was part of the 11th Festival of Pacific Arts in the Solomon Islands in July 2012 and it really woke me up to what I want to do with my life. I paint, carve, tattoo, do elei printing etc but at the Festival I exhibited paintings and was a carver for the American Samoa delegation. Just being around hundreds of artists fro

Drawing - S2 week 1 - 08/07/2019

My comic plan was simple and easy It was planned to be a slice of life romance between to females at university. One girl was the main character who worked in a coffee shop studying art, while the other girl was the love interested and is a regular customer at the coffee shop the main character works at. The story line follows the Main girl coming to terms to her feelings and learning how to speak to love interest and confess her feelings towards her. With a side kick/best friend of main character who is over aware of them being in a comic and it over dramatic and exaggerated. The original comic that I had written up was all very head focused and was unsure on how to write thew plot or where I was aiming the plot to go as seen down below. After this was handed in and feed back was given, it came apparent that it was visually boring and repetitive. Making the book seem to drag on and doesn't visual please or engage the reader. There was also the fact their is